Monday January 27th

  'Cheltenham to Swindon via M&SWJR and GWR'   

           CHRIS SMITH



Monday February 24th 


   'The Barry Scrapyard Story - Where are they now?'           

                ALAN PRICE


Monday March 24th


  'Restoring 76077 - The Forgotten Standard'

            IAN CROWDER

       Monday April 28th

'Steam in my Nostril'  BRIAN MASON

SORRY but this meeting has been postponed due to major work in car park during April.


Meeting Venue   St. Andrews Church Hall, Shottery, CV37 9HQ  (less than 2 miles from the centre of Stratford) with ample parking. Open from 7.00 pm, meetings commence at 7.30 p.m.                                                     

Entrance Fee £3.00 at the door with raffle tickets available for purchase. No charge for Tea/coffee with biscuits at break. 

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